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Megan wrote a book!!

How can social workers and neuro-diverse foster carers collaborate to provide the best support for a child or teen in need?


Building strong relationships between social workers and neuro-diverse foster carers can be challenging. With professionals often having no experience working with Autistic adults, trust can be difficult to initiate, and problems can seem insurmountable. Drawing from her own lived experience as a neuro-divergent foster carer, Megan Tanner explains how barriers can be broken down to establish a successful partnership with one sole aim: to create the best possible outcome for a child or teen in need.


Working to remove pre-conceptions and judgement surrounding neuro-diverse foster carers, this book is ideal reading for students and practitioners of Social Work and related courses, Disability Studies, Autism and Autistic studies, DEIB studies, Psychology, and social work policy makers


The Wonderbirds Show

We chat about Hear Their Roar, parenting, being autistic, emotional Intelligence and so much more.

The A&F Podcast #2

In this episode we catch up with foster carer Megan, we spoke to her in the autumn of 2022 as she was about to set out on a new adventure in Africa. Megan catches us up with the work she’s been doing and the book that she’s been writing. She shares her own lived experience as a neuro-divergent foster carer and explains how barriers can be broken down to establish a successful partnership with one sole aim: to create the best possible outcome for a child or teen in need.

Autism: In Conversation With Auticon. Leadership.

Like many aspects of autism, the benefits of having autistic people in leadership roles is not one that is readily talked about. Yet there are a number of autistic senior leaders who have carved out highly successful and inspirational careers. This episode looks to debunk the myth that autistic people can’t have fulfilling and high-level careers, as well as provide useful insight into how the guests have reached their career goals.


Our Guests in This Episode:

· Carly Jones, MBE – British Autism Advocate

· Megan Tanner, CEO and Founder of the charity Hear Their Roar

· Charlotte Valeur, Chair of the Institute of Neurodiversity

Autism: In Conversation With Auticon. Being an autistic parent.

Being a parent of an autistic child is often commonly talked about, but being a parent who is autistic is less commonly discussed. This episode aims to shed light on the realities of parenting when you have a diagnosis of autism and offer signposting to support for those who may also find themselves in the same position.


Our Guests in This Episode:

· Chris Lever - a parent and IT consultant for auticon

· G Sabini Roberts - LGBTQ+ Trainer, Activist & Entrepreneur who is a parent to four children

· Megan Tanner - a parenting and communication consultant, foster carer and charity founder

Autism: In Conversation With Auticon. Late diagnosis.

We are seeing an increasing number of instances of a diagnosis of autism coming later on in life. This episode aims to hear from those who have had direct experience of this and explore what can be done about this in the future

The A&F Podcast #1

Hello and welcome to conversations from the A&F podcast. We are opening up our conversations to include anyone connected to the world of caring parenting or working with children who have experienced adversity or have complex needs. In this episode we speak to Megan a former foster carer who is moving to Sierra Leone to support the development of children’s welfare with communities there. The charity she has founded is called Hear Their Roar and you can find details of the work they do here.

SOMEONE ELSE'S STORY S2EP8: MEGAN TANNER - Foster Caring is NOT all baking and snuggling!

I am beyond psyched that I got to sit down with this Class A LEGEND. I met Megan Tanner in the midst of the pandemic, and she blows my mind daily. Join us as Megan shares her journey into foster caring and gives us an unfiltered account of what it’s like. Disclaimer: This video mentions different forms of abuse which some watchers may find distressing.


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Hear Their Roar is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales with the Charity Commission. Charity Registration Number 1188513. Registered address 11 Lewis Close, Aylesbury, Bucks, HP19 9AW. ©2021 by Hear Their Roar. Proudly created with

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